Article I: Name
The name of the organization shall be GEORGIA SOCIETY for HEALTHCARE ENGINEERS (hereinafter referred to as the “Society” and abbreviated “ GASHE”).
Article II: Organization Mission Statement and Purpose

Section 1. Organization

The Society is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes as a not for profit association.  The Society shall be conducted at all times so that no part of its income or earnings will inure to the benefit of any member, director, officer or other individual. Upon dissolution, termination or winding up of the affairs of the Society, the assets shall be distributed to a not-for-profit educational organization that would serve to benefit Healthcare Engineers in the State of Georgia.

Section 2. Mission
The mission of the Society shall be:
To promote and advance the practice of healthcare facilities operations through leadership, membership, and support;

(a)   to provide activities for its membership that will help them develop skills in healthcare engineering, and in the administration of professional responsibilities, or in the management of healthcare facilities;
(b)   to provide a communication vehicle for the dissemination of information on current practices, new knowledge or technology related to its area of expertise and for the application of technologies developed by other occupations and professions;
(c)  to provide a forum on healthcare issues and explore and explain the impact of those issues on healthcare facilities management.
(d)  to provide educational opportunities for the members of the Society.
(e)  to serve as a conduit between the American Society of Hospital Engineers and the membership of the Society, by dissemination of information from ASHE annual meeting.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Classes of Members
The Society shall have four classes of members; institutional, non-voting institutional, associate and honorary.

(a) Institutional Member:
Membership shall be limited to active employed Administrative, Management Level and Supervisory Personnel of Healthcare Engineering and related functions, such as Bio-Med, Plant Operations, Construction Management, Safety and Security. These members will have voting rights in conducting Society business.

(b) Non-Voting Institutional Member:

Membership shall be limited to active employed members of the Healthcare engineering field and related functions, such as Bio-Med, Plant Operations, Construction Management, Safety and security. These members are not eligible for Board Positions and will have no voting rights in Society business.

(c) Associate Member:
Membership shall be limited to Vendors of Hospital supplies and/or services directly related to Engineering Operations and Maintenance.

(d) Honorary Member:

Membership shall be limited to charter members or any retired Healthcare engineer who has been active in the Society. These members will be nominated by the current officers and voted on by the active society membership. These members will have no voting rights in conducting Society business.

Section 2. Membership Application:
Membership in the Society shall be available to all qualified applicants who complete an application form and pay the specified dues. The membership committee shall confirm eligibility and report all new members at the next regular meeting.

Section 3. Voting
Only institutional members will be eligible to vote in elections and other Society issues.

Article IV: Dues

Section 1. Dues
Dues and/or special assessments will be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors of the Society and amended at the annual meeting by vote of the Society’s Institutional members. The current dues are as follows:
(a). Institutional Member
(b). Non Voting Institutional Member
(c). Associate Member
(d). Honorary Member – pay no dues.

*The $50 dues are collected and included as part of the Annual Meeting sponsorship fees.  If a business partner/ vendor wishes to join the Society after the Annual Meeting, the $50 Associate Member fee would apply for membership and not include any sponsorship benefits

Section 2. Dues Date
The Society’s dues year shall be March 1 – February 28 and shall be due no later than April 15th. Any member whose dues are not received by April 15th shall receive a 30-day notice stating that dues must be received no later than May 15th or membership will be suspended.

Section 3. Donations and Special Assessments
Special assessments can be levied at any regular meeting by a majority vote of the members present. Donations of Funds or property to the Society shall be used to the betterment of the society’s purpose or as designated by the donor.

Article V: Meetings
Section 1. Quarterly Meetings
Quarterly meetings shall be held in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Quarters of each year at times set out by the Board of Directors of the Society.

Section 2. Annual Meeting
The Society will hold an annual meeting in the 1st Quarter of each year. This will be a multi-day combination educational-trade show. The date and time will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 3.  Quorum
A quorum at any meeting shall consist of seven members and a majority vote of those institutional members will be considered binding.

Article VI: Board of Directors

Section 1.  Board of Directors
There shall be a board of directors consisting of the elected Officers of the Society plus the Past President and at least one at-large member from the institutional membership (can be the educational chairperson).  The board of directors shall also comprise an un-defined number of associate members also known as the Business Partner Task Force.  Associate members on the board shall serve in an advisory position and will not have voting rights.

Section 2. Duties
The board of directors shall be responsible for managing the affairs and carrying on the business of the Society. To facilitate and aid in the management of the affairs of the Society, the board of directors may from time to time delegate certain functions to other individuals or committees selected by the board of directors.

Section 3. Election of Officers
A president, president-elect, and secretary/treasurer shall be nominated by the nominating committee, with Board of Directors approval, and presented to the membership for election at the annual meeting. The newly elected members shall serve a two year term.  Nominations from the floor will be taken and considered from the floor prior to the vote. If requested by multiple members, there may be vote by secret ballot.  A majority vote of the members present will be binding and newly elected Officers terms will begin at the conclusion of the annual meeting. Business Task Force members shall be of an undefined number and shall be appointed by the President of the Society.

Article VI: Officers
Section 1. Officers
The officers of the Society shall be president, president-elect, secretary/ treasurer. To qualify for office, an individual must have been an active institutional member in good standing for not less than twelve months. 

Section 2. Duties of Officers
(a)     President– the president shall preside over all meetings and shall be the chairperson of the board of directors. The president shall supervise and provide direction as to the affairs of the Society. The President shall present an annual report at the Society’s annual meeting with the recommendations of all committees along with the budget proposal for the Society. The president shall represent the Georgia Society for Healthcare Engineers at the American Society for Healthcare Engineers meetings.
(b)     President-Elect– The president-elect shall, in the absence of the president, perform all duties and assume all responsibilities of the president. The president-elect shall also perform all duties as assigned by the president. The president-elect shall represent the Georgia Society for Healthcare Engineers at the American Society for Healthcare Engineers meetings.
(c)     Secretary/Treasurer– The secretary/treasurer shall prepare and present the minutes of all meetings of the Society and the board of directors, shall send notices of all meetings of the Society to the members, shall maintain the membership records of the Society, and shall perform all other administrative duties as required by the board of directors, shall maintain accurate and complete financial records of the Society’s affairs and present a financial report at the annual and quarterly meetings, and will assist in the formulation of the Society’s budget.
(d)     Business Partner Task – The business partner task force members shall serve as advisors to the board of directors in a non-voting capacity.

Article VII. Committees

Section 1. Appointments

The president annually, upon assuming office, may appoint, with board approval, the following standing committees/chairman.
(a)     Membership Chairperson-whose  duty shall be to evaluate the qualifications and approve    prospective members. The membership chairperson will initiate actions as appropriate to increase the membership in the Society.
(b)     Educational Chairperson-whose duty it shall be to make arrangements for all educational programs for the quarterly and annual meetings. Provide the program information to the Society’s secretary for notification to the membership. The educational chairperson can also be asked to serve on the board of directors of the Society.
(c)     Nominating Committee-which shall be composed of three past Society presidents whose duty shall be to recommend a new slate of officers, with Board of Directors approval, to be voted on by the membership at the Society’s annual meeting.
(d)     Trade Show Committee-chaired by the president-elect with two other members of the Society whose duty shall be to plan the annual trade show and annual meeting and notify the secretary to inform the membership of the agenda for the Trade Show.
(e)     Special Committees-shall be appointed by the president as the need arises.

Article VII. Amendments
These bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed by a quorum vote of institutional members of the Society either by mailed written ballot, e-mail ballot or by vote at any regular or special called meeting of the Society.