2025 GASHE Annual Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

March 12th-14th, 2025

Monroe County Convention Center
475 Holiday Circle
Forsyth, Georgia 31029

Wednesday, March 12th – Golf & Clay Shoot Tournament, Cornhole, Crosstalk, Recognition Dinner/Lo Country Boil & Casino Night


Thursday, March 13th – Education Sessions, Tradeshow, Meet & Greet, Dinner & Karaoke


Friday, March 14th – Education Sessions & Lunch & Learn Panel Discussion

Thursday March 13th, 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Annual membership dues included for (5) five company representatives with listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December.

Recognition as exclusive Lunch & Learn Sponsor. The ponsorship includes all related costs of beverages/food/tents/activities/prizes etc. during the meal on Thursday.

Signage at Annual Conference as Lunch & Learn Sponsor

Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials for the duration of the day on March 13th
Reserved hotel rooms (company responsible for the cost of accommodation for 2 rooms) 1 room with a king bed & 1 room with 2 queen beds at the Holiday Inn for Wednesday and Thursday night (2-night minimum). *GASHE will send an email notification and let you know when to contact the Lodge and provide your credit card information*

150-word “Company Spotlight” section in newsletter dedicated to sponsoring company (written by sponsoring company)

Color logo posted on GASHE web site with hyperlink

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Wednesday March 12th, 8:30pm – 11:30pm

Annual membership dues include (5) five company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December.

Recognition as exclusive Casino Night Sponsor. The cost breakdown is as follows: $2,500 of the sponsorship goes to GASHE,
$2,500 covers any additional costs (approximately $2,500) related to beverages/food/activities/prizes during the casino event
Signage at Annual Conference as Casino Night Sponsor

Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials for the duration of the day on March 13th

Reserved hotel rooms (company responsible for the cost of accommodation for 2 rooms) 1 room with a king bed & 1 room with 2 queen beds at the Holiday Inn for Wednesday and Thursday night (2-night minimum). *GASHE will send an email notification and let you know when to contact the Lodge and provide your credit card information*

150-word “Company Spotlight” section in newsletter dedicated to sponsoring company (written by sponsoring company)

Color logo posted on GASHE web site with hyperlink

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.
Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Thursday March 13th @ 8:30pm – 11:30pm

Annual membership dues include (5) five company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December.

Recognition as exclusive Karaoke Sponsor. The cost breakdown is as follows: $3,500 of the sponsorship goes to GASHE, $1,500 covers any additional costs (approximately $1,500) related to beverages/food/activities/prizes during the event

Signage at Annual Conference as Smith Creek Tavern Karaoke Sponsor

Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials for the duration of the day on March 13th
Reserved hotel rooms (company responsible for the cost of accommodation for 2 rooms) 1 room with a king bed & 1 room with 2 queen beds at the Holiday Inn for Wednesday and Thursday night (2-night minimum). *GASHE will send an email notification and let you know when to contact the Lodge and provide your credit card information*

150-word “Company Spotlight” section in newsletter dedicated to sponsoring company (written by sponsoring company)
Color logo posted on GASHE web site with hyperlink
Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.
Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Wednesday March 12th @ 1:00pm – 4:00pm, Meadows Clay Sports Forsyth, GA

Annual membership dues include (4) four company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December.

Recognition as Sporting Clay Tournament Sponsor
Signage at Annual Conference/Venue as Sporting Clay Tournament Sponsor

Reserved hotel rooms (company responsible for the cost of accommodation for 2 rooms) 1 room with a king bed & 1 room with 2 queen beds at the Holiday Inn for Wednesday and Thursday night (2-night minimum). *GASHE will send an email notification and let you know when to contact the Lodge and provide your credit card information*

Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials for the duration of the day on March 13th

150-word “Company Spotlight” section in newsletter dedicated to sponsoring company (written by sponsoring company)

Color logo posted on GASHE web site with hyperlink

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.
Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

The company can set up a small table/promotional items at the registration desk during registration & check-in

Annual membership dues include (3) three company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December

Recognition/Signage as Keynote Sponsor at the Conference

Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials for the duration of the day on
March 13th

Reserved hotel rooms (company responsible for the cost of accommodation for 2 rooms) 1 room with a king bed & 1 room with 2 queen beds at the Holiday Inn for Wednesday and Thursday night (2-night minimum). *GASHE will send an email notification and let you know when to contact the Lodge and provide your credit card information*

150-word “Company Spotlight” section in newsletter dedicated to sponsoring company (written by sponsoring company)

Color logo posted on GASHE web site with hyperlink

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Annual membership dues include (2) two company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December

Recognition/Signage as Premier Sponsor at the Conference
Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials for the duration of the day on
March 13th

Reserved hotel room (company responsible for the cost of accommodation) 1 room with 2 queen beds at the Holiday Inn for Wednesday and Thursday night (2-night minimum). *GASHE will send an email notification and let you know when to contact the Lodge and provide your credit card information*

150-word “Company Spotlight” section in newsletter dedicated to sponsoring company (written by sponsoring company)

Color logo posted on GASHE web site with hyperlink

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Wednesday March 12t 2:00pm – 5:00pm, Front Lawn/Gazebo Conference Center

GASHE will provide 4 cornhole boards/bags. Any prizes will be at the discretion of the Sponsor

Annual membership dues include (2) two company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December

Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials for the duration of the day on March 13th

Reserved (company responsible for cost of accommodation) 1 room with 2 queen beds at the Holiday Inn for Wednesday and Thursday night (2-night minimum). *GASHE will send an email notification and let you know when to contact the Lodge and provide your credit card information*
150-word “Company Spotlight” section in newsletter dedicated to sponsoring company (written by sponsoring company)

Color logo posted on GASHE web site with hyperlink

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Annual membership dues include (2) two company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December.

Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials for the duration of the day on March 13th

Reserved (company responsible for cost of accommodation) 1 room with 2 queen beds at the Holiday Inn for Wednesday and Thursday night (2-night minimum). *GASHE will send an email notification and let you know when to contact the Lodge and provide your credit card information*

150-word “Company Spotlight” section in newsletter dedicated to sponsoring company (written by sponsoring company)

Color logo posted on GASHE web site with hyperlink

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Annual membership dues for (2) two company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December

Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials for the duration of the day on March 13th

Company name listed on back cover of newsletter with recognition of sponsorship

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Annual membership dues for (2) two company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December.

The company will be responsible for providing Lanyard with your company logo for all conference attendees (approximately 500 people). Lanyards will need to be delivered by February 28, 2025

Company name listed on back cover of newsletter with recognition of sponsorship

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Annual membership dues for (2) two company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December.

The company will be responsible for providing Lanyard with a company logo for all conference attendees (approximately 350 people). Lanyards will need to be delivered to the hotel by February 28, 2025

Company name listed on back cover of newsletter with recognition of sponsorship

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event) & GASHE membership roster.

Annual membership dues for (2) two company representatives with a listing on GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the Annual Conference in March & 3 quarterly meetings in June, September & December.

Tradeshow booth (6’ table) during annual meeting tradeshow to display company materials

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

Electronic copy of GASHE annual meeting attendee list (following event)

GASHE has hired our Webmaster to video event highlights portraying GASHE members featuring educational events, activities & attendees

Company/logo included in 2025 video & featured on the GASHE website

(Doesn’t include attendance to the Annual Conference & Tradeshow. Please select “additional attendee in addition to renewing membership)

Annual membership dues for (2) two company representatives with a listing on the GASHE membership roster. This includes attendance & meals at the quarterly meetings in June, September & December

Electronic notification of all GASHE news, upcoming events, etc.

*Note: For any additional company representatives to attend the Annual Meeting (above what the sponsorship/ membership level allows), a registration fee of $175 per person will be charged to cover the cost of dinners, meeting materials, etc. However, this fee does not cover accommodations or Golf. Membership dues are effective January 1st of the following year. For additional information on sponsorship/promotional opportunities for your firm, please contact Kelly Wilson at 404-496-2582 or [email protected].

Hotel Information


Monroe County Convention Center
475 Holiday Circle
Forsyth, Georgia 31029


**Sponsors who have a reserved room as a part of their sponsorship will receive a notification from GASHE with more details about how to call the hotel and pay for your reserved room.**

Please note: The ones who do not want to pay via Paypal, once they get redirected to the Paypal sign in page, they can close out the tab and look for a confirmation email.
Paypal does NOT allow multiple payment options.

The registration will have still gone through.


BUSINESS PARTNER: GASHE 2025 Annual Conference & Tradeshow Business Partner Registration Form

Contact Information


Maximum file size: 2MB

Attendee Details and Information

How many representatives with your company will be attending in addition to what your sponsorship level includes?

Tradeshow Exhibitor Questions

These questions apply to sponsors who receive a booth as a part of their sponsorship. If you are NOT exhibiting at the conference, please skip these questions.

Quarterly Meeting Education Sessions (June, September and December meetings)

2025 GASHE Annual Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Golf Tournament Registration

Additional Golfer Infromation

Total Amount Due

Sponsorship AND/OR Membership Dues

Sporting Clay Tournament

Are you participating in the Sporting Clay Tournament
